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الجمعة، 11 أبريل 2014


Spore is an enjoyable game that pulls off an interesting balancing act. On one hand, it lets you create a creature and guide its maturation from a single cell to a galactic civilization through...

Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2 – PC

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed had its share of flaws, but it still provided a healthy dose of saber-slicing, Force-flinging action that made it fun to destroy the Wookiees, Jawas, and stormtroopers...

Supreme Commander 2 – PC

Supreme Commander 2 is a broad and bold real-time strategy game that might surprise fans of the 2007 original. Don’t worry: If you loved Supreme Commander, the sequel still offers the tactical flexibility...

Terminator Salvation – PC

If you’ve ever wondered why movie tie-in games have such a bad reputation, Terminator Salvation can provide an instructive example. Though this third-person shooter is technically sound, it seems...

The Godfather 2 – PC

If The Godfather II had been a mediocre, mindless action flick, the game of the same name could at least be considered faithful to its source material. As it is, though, Coppola’s Mafia-themed masterpiece...

The Sims Medieval – PC

The Sims Medieval brings some irony to this popular series of life simulations. Whereas the proper Sims games make the mundane aspects of everyday life interesting, this Renaissance faire spin-off...

Cars Mater National Championship – PC

Cars Mater-National offers fans of the film a fresh adventure set in the super-fueled world of Radiator Springs. The video game features all-new international characters vying for their chance to...
